Stuttgart Airport Busterminal


Attention: On the entire airport premises and SAB there is an obligation to wear medical mouth-nose protection. This includes surgical or FFP2 protective masks.

From Monday, January 11, 2021, the new Corona regulation entry quarantine and testing will apply in Baden-Württemberg. When entering from a risk area, there is still a ten-day quarantine obligation in principle, which can be terminated at the earliest with a negative test result collected from the fifth day of quarantine. In the future, there will be an additional testing obligation upon entry. The testing obligation can be fulfilled by testing within 48 hours before arrival or by testing immediately after entry.

The complete regulation can be found here.

Since November 8, you have to register via a digital entry registration if you have been in a risk area up to 10 days before. Go to and provide information about your stays in the last 10 days. Inbound or self-pay travelers can be tested at the airport Terminal 1/West by appointment.

Please inform yourself about the current entry regulations of the state of Baden-Württemberg on the homepage of the state capital Stuttgart or the Federal Ministry of Health.

Corona effects for the SAB operation:

  • Local and regional transport continues to run according to plan.
  • National & international long-distance bus services are operating on a restricted basis. Due to the current travel restrictions, journeys are only taking place sporadically. The operation of FlixBus & BlaBlaBus etc. has been suspended until further notice due to the hard lockdown. Currently, there are still isolated lines from the SAB. If you have any further questions, please contact your travel provider or contact our local travel agency Gotowala at 0711 / 2269091.
  • The usual services at the bus terminal and Stuttgart Airport will remain limited for the time being. Due to current regulations the waiting room is currently closed.
  • The Deutsche Touring GmbH operations centre on site is currently unmanned. From 9 am - 6 pm we are available for you by phone under 0711 / 948 - 5223.

Please protect yourself and others
Please comply with the applicable infection control regulations, especially:

  • Mouth-nose protection in the form of a medical OP or FF2 mask at the bus terminal and on the buses
  • 1,5m Minimum distance to other persons
  • Hygiene rules



Plan Expected Route Origin Organizer Platform Status


W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+1)

1. Januar 2017

1 °C

🚩 4 km/h      ☔ 89 %

Data provided by OpenWeatherMap